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The getUserBalances method retrieves the aggregated balance of a user across multiple chains for specified tokens or native assets.


import { Sprinter, Environment } from "@chainsafe/sprinter-sdk";

const sprinter = new Sprinter({ baseUrl: Environment.TESTNET });

const ownerAddress = "0xYourAddressHere";
sprinter.getUserBalances(ownerAddress).then((balances) => {


  • account: (Required) The address of the user whose balances will be retrieved.
  • tokens?: (Optional) An array of tokens for which balances will be retrieved. If omitted, the method will return balances for all tokens and native assets. If an empty array is provided, only native token balances will be returned.
  • fetchOptions?: (Optional) An object containing baseUrl to override the default API endpoint for this request.

Example: Using tokens and fetchOptions

const tokens = [
symbol: "USDC",
decimals: 6,
addresses: { "11155111": "0x1c7D4B196Cb0C7B01d743Fbc6116a902379C7238" },

.getUserBalances(ownerAddress, tokens, { baseUrl: "https://custom.api.url" })
.then((balances) => {

Behavior of the tokens Parameter

  • If tokens is omitted: The method will return balances for all supported tokens and native assets.
  • If tokens is specified: The method will return balances only for the specified tokens and native assets.
  • If tokens is an empty array: The method will return only native token balances.

Providing specific tokens or an empty array can help reduce the response time, as fewer tokens need to be fetched.


Returns a promise that resolves to an AggregateBalances object.

type AggregateBalances = {
[symbol: string]: {
balances: Array<TokenBalance>;
total: string;

interface TokenBalance {
balance: string;
chainId: number;
tokenDecimals: number;

Example Response

"ETH": {
"balances": [
"balance": "1234567890000000000",
"chainId": 11155111,
"tokenDecimals": 18
"balance": "9876543210000000000",
"chainId": 84532,
"tokenDecimals": 18
"total": "11111111100000000000"
"USDC": {
"balances": [
"balance": "1000000",
"chainId": 11155111,
"tokenDecimals": 6
"balance": "2000000",
"chainId": 84532,
"tokenDecimals": 6
"total": "3000000"


  • If the tokens array is omitted, balances for all tokens and native assets will be returned.
  • If you provide specific tokens, balances will be fetched only for those tokens and native assets.
  • If you provide an empty tokens array, only native token balances will be returned.
  • Specifying tokens or an empty array can result in faster responses, as fewer tokens need to be fetched.